Made in Germany

HTT News

  • HTT is represented on a CIGRE committee

    created on 7/24/2024

    We are proud of being part of the world’s leading knowledge development program CIGRE and of contributing to the exchange of knowledge for the further development of energy systems.

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  • C5-, E4- and F1-Certification of our cast resin transformers

    created on 9/8/2023

    According to IEC 60076-11 (8/2018) casting resin transformers are used in different fire, Climatic and environmental classes. HTT casting resin transformers are certified according to classes C5, E4 and F1: Appropriate type tests were carried out in the summer of 2023 at the CESI testing institute in Milano (Italy).   With these certifications, HTT cast…

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  • Single-phase transformers for short-circuit tests up to 150kA

    created on 11/14/2022

    HTT supplies single-phase transformers connected as three-phase bank for short-circuit tests up to 150kA:

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  • The step into ripple control technology

    created on 12/3/2021

    Audio frequency coupling GDTF   Ripple control technology has proven to be an important tool for grid control over many decades. It is a proven, reliable and efficient way to control and regulate the electrical load in the grid. For example, street lighting, peak switching off of power peaks such as heating systems or adjusting…

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  • Expansion of our sales team

    created on 5/3/2021

    Expansion of our sales team Since April 2021, our new colleague Stefan Baldus has been supporting our team. We would like to welcome him very warmly and introduce him briefly:     Mr. Baldus will work as a sales manager in the future and will be the contact person for all questions relating to cast…

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  • A further step towards the future: Photovoltaics

    created on 8/7/2020

    A photovoltaic system has been in operation at HTT since July 2020. A “small” contribution to CO2-neutral production, but the sum of the “small” contributions may weigh more heavily than a “large” contribution.

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  • HTT unterstützt Denkmal Kunst-Kunst Denkmal

    created on 8/15/2019

    Wow! 3500 mal 5000 …                               … mm misst das wohl größte DenkmalKunst-Plakat aller Zeiten. Es ziert seit kurzem die Fassade der HTT Hochspannungstechnik und Transformatorbau GmbH. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Standort an der Bundesstraße 80. Für alle aus Richtung Reinhardshagen nach Hann. Münden kommenden Mitbürger und Besucher wird unser Festival künftig nicht mehr zu übersehen…

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  • 6-storey cast resin transformer delivered

    created on 4/25/2019

    This month company HTT has delivered a 6-storey cast resin transformer to a well known customer.

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  • 20MVA cast resin transformer delivered

    created on 11/28/2018

    This month HTT has delivered a 20MVA cast resin transformer to a well known customer in the paper industry: In both terms – dimensions and weight – the production possibilities have been fully exploited.

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  • Combining Reactor used to control current

    created on 9/5/2018

    This article will describe a combining reactor which is used to control currents between PWM inverters to supply a motor. The target is to limit the current ripples caused by the inverters. Therefore it is important that the inductance between the inverters is high enough but is low enough between motor and inverters to limit…

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  • Brand positioning: a survey of customers and employees

    created on 5/16/2018

    How is the brand HTT perceived? What are its characteristics and what is of importance for customers and employees? When it comes to position HTT as an excellent provider in the market and as an attractive employer in our region, these questions must not be forgotten. To reach this goal, a survey was created at…

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  • Excursion to HTT Hochspannungstechnik und Transformatorbau GmbH

    created on 2/28/2018

    On 31.01.2018 company HTT had invited the VDE-Bezirksverein Kassel e.V. for a visit of their factory which a total of 22 members of the VDE did not want to miss. After the greeting by the company founder Mr. Joachim Dunkel and his coloured and exciting review on the company history and the development in the…

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  • This month company HTT has successfully carried out the first „BIL-test“ with 250kV.

    created on 10/5/2017

    The test field of company HTT disposes beside the equipment for performing routine test according to IEC 60076 also over a lightning impulse voltage test arrangement. Tests up to 300kV can be performed in dependence of the technical data of the test specimen. This month company HTT has successfully carried out the first „BIL-test“ with…

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  • HTT invests in the future: another brand-new winding machine for aluminum foil used to manufacture HV-coils in operation

    created on 8/30/2017

    The inquiry for transformers with conductor material aluminum rises continuously. This is due to the growing difference between prices for copper and aluminum transformers after introduction of the eco-design directive 1st of July 2015: the prices clearly developed in favor for aluminum. Taking this fact into account company HTT has ordered and installed a brand…

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  • HTT in international press: Malaysia

    created on 7/27/2017

    The Curtis univercity of Malaysia recently received four cast resin transformers for research and teaching: read more about in Borneo Post online (17.07.2017)     

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  • HTT on Netherland TV during fair Hardenberg NL (29.11.2016-01.12.2016)

    created on 2/6/2017

    Interview: ecodesign directive

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  • Rating plates according ecodesign directive

    created on 1/20/2017

    As the ecodesign directive has been incorporated in german norm DIN EN 50588-1 it was necessary to update the information shown on the rating plates accordingly. This week (03/2017) the responsible german industry control office has checked without objection our rating plates. In case of questions don’t hesitate to contact us: + 49 (0) 55…

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  • HTT-transformer for the world’s greatest vessel

    created on 6/18/2013

    When the Pioneering Spirit is launched, there will be individual workmanship from Hannoversch Münden, Germany, on board – and not one piece, but fifty of it. HTT Hochspannungstechnik und Transformatorbau GmbH, manufacturer of transformers with a focus on resin-encapsulated transformers since 1985, already made their contribution to the world’s biggest work boat in the years…

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  • HTT continues to invest for the future

    created on 8/16/2012

    Continual growth and consequent investments into pioneering production technology establish HTT as a competent and competitive company. A transformer is not »simply« just a transformer – it must be optimally adapted to the respective task and economical to purchase. It should work in a way that is extremely energy efficient and also be available at…

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  • Track Report

    created on 5/22/2012

    In July 2008 Schmid Silicon Technology GmbH (SST), the leading technology, equipment and EPC provider for high-end solar and electronic grade polysilicon and monosilane gas production plants, honored HTT Hochspannungstechnik und Transformatorbau in Hann. Münden / Germany with the order of one very special three- phase cast resin transformer for SST’s first Monosilane-based semi-industrial plant…

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  • HTT News

    created on 5/1/2012

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